Adoption in Ohio FAQs
Do You Want to Adopt a Child in Ohio?
Are you considering adopting an infant or older child? From how to get started to how much it costs, Choosing Hope Adoptions has developed an FAQ addressing questions about adoption in Ohio.
How Much Does it Cost to Adopt a Child in Ohio?
The cost to adopt a child in Ohio varies widely and depends on the process you choose. Generally, adopting through an agency or attorney can cost between $10,000 and $50,000. We are very straight forward with our fee structure that we share with families in the adoption process. We are a non-profit adoption agency and keep our fees very reasonable for families. We can tell you more about subsidies and tax credits that can make adoption more affordable.
How Long Does Adoption Take in Ohio?
The length of time it takes to adopt a child in Ohio depends on several factors:
- Your family’s openness to adopting a child regardless of gender or race
- Your family’s ability and flexibility to adopt a child with special needs
- The number of birth mothers who choose to make an adoption plan for their child
- Your family’s willingness to consider adopting an older child

Is it Hard to Adopt in Ohio?
The adoption process is not that hard considering it is a life-long commitment. From an administrative standpoint, adopting a child in Ohio is not particularly difficult but does require time pulling together paperwork, documents, and home visits. Once your family has completed the application and home assessment, the hardest part is waiting to be “chosen” by a birth mother.
When you work with a reputable and ethical agency, you’ll have staff available to answer your questions and ease your worries as you wait to welcome home your adopted child.
Can a Single Person Adopt in Ohio?
Modern families come in all shapes and sizes. With so many deserving children needing a safe, loving home, the state of Ohio—and most agencies—welcomes unmarried adoptive parents!
Single prospective parents still must meet state and individual agency requirements. So, if you’re a single person hoping to adopt, find an agency that works with unmarried parents.
What Types of Adoption Are There in Ohio?
The most common types of adoption in Ohio are:
- Open: Both the birth and adoptive families know the identities of everyone involved in the adoption
- Foster-to-adopt: A family adopts a child through the foster care system.
- Step-parent adoption: A step-parent legally adopts the child.
- Kinship adoption: An aunt, grandparent, or other family member legally adopts the child

How Do I Adopt a Baby in Ohio?
Whether you adopt through the state foster system, an agency, or through an attorney, you will need to meet the state of Ohio’s basic licensing requirements, which include, but are not limited to:
- One adoptive parent must be at least age 18
- Your household income must be sufficient to meet the needs of everyone living in the home
- Complete all training required by the state of Ohio and the agency you work with
The agency you decide to work with will have its own set of requirements, so it’s important to research agencies carefully.
A home assessment is part of the application process. This includes a fire and safety inspection to ensure the environment is free of any hazardous conditions. A criminal background check, including any history of child abuse or neglect, must be conducted for anyone in the home over age 18.
After you’ve met all of the state and agency requirements, you’ll complete a family profile, which introduces you to birth mothers who are searching for a family for their child.
How Do I Start the Adoption Process in Ohio?
Any adoption process starts with you and your immediate family members understanding what adoption will mean for your family. Bringing a child into your home is a huge decision: everyone in your family must be on board.
You should also decide how flexible you are regarding the child’s age, gender, and race and if your family is willing and able to raise a child with special needs.
After you’ve made the decision to adopt, it’s time to research adoption agencies in Ohio. Each agency has its own mission and process. Contact agencies whose values align with your family’s and get to know their staff. Once you’ve found an agency you want to work with, you’ll begin the adoption process by completing an application.
I’m Already a Parent. Do I Need to Go Through Training to Adopt in Ohio?
Yes. Pre-placement training is a requirement for adopting a child in Ohio. This training provides valuable parenting advice and helps prepare the entire adoptive family to welcome a new child home.
Training programs include information on topics including:
- What to expect from the adoption process
- Child development and behavior management
- Cultural diversity
- The legal rights and responsibilities of adoptive families
- The legal rights of adopted children

Have Additional Questions? Call Us
Choosing Hope Adoptions has a team of experts available 365 days a year to help you with adoption in Ohio. If you’re exploring adoption and have further questions about the process, please reach out to us.