Open Adoption Agency in Ohio
Family Planning Help is a Click Away
Are you hoping to welcome a child into your family? Are you pregnant and unsure of your options? Choosing Hope Adoptions is one of several open adoption agencies in Ohio that can help you.
What is an Open Adoption Agency?
To put it simply, it is an adoption agency that assists pregnant women, parents, and hopeful adoptive families to ensure that a child is raised in a loving, secure home. This is accomplished when the birth parent(s) and adoptive parent(s) create an ethical, open adoption plan.
What Makes an Adoption Open and Ethical?
Let’s start by talking about the Adoption Triad. The triad is made up of the
- Birth mother
- Baby or child
- Adoptive family
An ethical and open adoption ensures that the rights of all three parties are considered throughout the adoption process.

The Benefits of Working with an Open Adoption Agency in Ohio
Whether you are unexpectedly pregnant or you have a child and are unsure that you can provide the right environment, you may be feeling like you bear the weight of the world.
If your family has been trying to have a child either through birth or adoption, you may similarly feel overwhelmed and alone.
No matter what challenges you’re experiencing around parenthood, you don’t have to face your struggle alone. An agency such as Choosing Hope Adoptions can ease your burden if you’re an expecting mother or parent of a child. And for families longing to welcome a child, you have hope.
Benefits for the Birth Parent
You’re pregnant and feel like you lack options and control over your future. An ethical agency like Choosing Hope Adoptions offers the support and information you need to make the next important decisions that will affect your future and that of your child. And we’re available by phone or text message 24/7.
Since Choosing Hope is not a state agency, placing your child through our agency will not make it a ward of the state of Ohio. Instead, your child will be placed in a safe, loving home that YOU choose.
When you decide to work with us, you’ll have access to all of our available family profiles. This helps you choose a family that shares your values as well as your hopes for a bright future for your baby.
Once you choose a family from our profiles, you’ll get to know the potential adoptive family personally. Establishing a relationship with your baby’s family before you give birth gives you peace of mind knowing more about the home it will grow up in.
Through open adoption, you can also decide how much contact you wish to have with the adoptive family after your child goes home with them. Some birth moms establish close relationships with the adoptive family, while others choose to see their child grow through pictures and correspondence with minimal contact. Some choose to have no contact at all once their child goes home with its adoptive family. Whatever level of contact you choose is entirely your call: the adoptive family and our staff will honor your wish without hesitation.
There are other benefits to working with an ethical agency like Choosing Hope Adoptions.
- We’ll give you up to $3,000—the limit set by the state of Ohio—for pregnancy-related expenses, including pre-natal doctor visits and nutrition, counseling, housing and utilities, and groceries.
- We also offer legal services related to the adoption at no cost to you, including working with your child’s biological father to complete the adoption process.
- After your child is placed with its adoptive family, you’ll receive professional counseling to help you through the post-adoption transition. You will also have access to Lifetime Healing, a certified support group for birth moms that meets monthly.
Benefits for Prospective Adoptive Families
We understand what it’s like to want to have a child. We share the pain of families who have suffered miscarriages and gone through treatments to have a baby. We know the anxiety, expense, and frustration of navigating adoption and foster systems.
And that’s why we’re here to help you.
The team at Choosing Hope Adoptions won’t just walk you through the process of adopting a baby or child. We’ll walk every step of the way with you.
We’ll work with you to make sure you have all of the documentation you need to meet state and federal requirements. We’ll also make sure that the social worker has access to these documents when they prepare your Home Study.
The Home Study is required by the state of Ohio for prospective adoptive families. And, while an evaluation sounds a little scary, this also gives you a chance to better understand adoption and the process of welcoming a child into your home. We’ll also counsel you on what a realistic timeline is from acceptance to placement.
We understand that the cost of adoption is a barrier for many hopeful families; therefore, we do our best to keep costs as low as possible. If you need assistance with adoption costs, we’ll show you where to find grants and fundraising ideas. We want to make the dream of having a child a reality for as many families as we can.
Since the adoption process involves several parties, we also work with the birth family to legally terminate their parental rights before your new child is placed in your home. And by this time, your family and the birth mother will have created an adoption plan, so you’ll know how to honor her wishes for any post-adoption contact.
You’ll also have access to post-placement support while you wait for the adoption to be finalized.
Benefits for the Child
Open, ethical adoption is an invaluable benefit, giving a child a chance to grow up in a supportive, safe, loving home.
Through an open adoption process, a child never has to feel like it was “given up” or unwanted by its birth parents. Instead of feeling like a piece of their identity is missing, they’ll know about their birth parents.
Best of all, they’ll know that they came to their adoptive home from a place of love. That their birth parents and adoptive parents came together to create an adoption plan that would give them every possible advantage in life.
Pregnant? Hoping to Adopt? Hope is at Your Fingertips
Don’t let another day go by where you feel alone and overwhelmed. Choosing Hope Adoptions provides 24/7 support for expecting moms who choose adoption. And we’re here for families hoping to welcome a baby or child into their family.
We truly believe that open, ethical adoption gives birth parents, children, and adoptive families the best chance at a bright future. If you’re looking for one of the most caring, experienced open adoption agencies in Ohio, reach out to us today.