Whether your pregnancy is planned or unplanned, you will want to make an appointment to see your doctor around eight weeks. At this first appointment you will most likely get an ultrasound or a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy. You will also get a wide variety of information all about what to expect during pregnancy.
You will be presented with a few options for genetic screening at your first few appointments. There are a few different tests that can be done early in pregnancy to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders.
There are many different reasons an expectant mother may choose to participate in these tests or not. This is a personal choice that should be considered carefully.
Many women choose to do the tests to either ease any worries or anxiety they may have about their child having a certain abnormality or disorder. It can also give a mother time to process should any of the tests come back as abnormal.
On the other hand, some women choose not to participate in these tests as they are not sure how they would process an abnormality with their baby still in utero or they would just prefer not to know before birth. Additionally, some of these tests do have side effects or risks to mom and baby that mother’s aren’t willing to take.
What if the screening comes back abnormal?
Some women choose to participate in the genetic screening process to determine whether or not they will continue their pregnancy. An expectant mother may want to terminate an existing pregnancy that tests abnormal for many reasons. Maybe they feel they don’t have the resources or finances to raise a child with special needs. They may feel unqualified or undereducated.
No matter your screeing results, we want you to know their are alternatives to abortion around Cincinnati, Ohio. There are countless resources, education classes, and peer groups that can help you process and prepare to raise a child with special needs.
Will anyone want to adopt a child with special needs?
Many women quickly rule out adoption as an option when they find out their baby may have a chromosomal abnormality or genetic disorder. They fear no one would want to adopt a baby with special needs. We are here to let you know, that isn’t true
All across the country there are parents who not only are open to adopting a child with special needs but are specifically looking for a child with special needs to join their family.
Whether a family already has experience with a special needs child or wants to be apart of filling that need for a birth mom, these parents have the best intentions to provide a loving home for a child no matter their disability.
If you dont feel ready to raise a child with special needs, abortion is not the only option after a diagnosis. Adoption is an option for children with special needs and Choosing Hope Adoption Agency is here to walk you through that process so you can feel confident your child will always be loved and cared for.