As you near your due date, you are probably starting to think about your labor and delivery plan and hospital stay. This is a good thing to think about and plan because when the time comes for your baby to arrive, you may not have time to come up with a plan between contractions.
As an expecting mom who is creating an adoption plan for their child, additional questions may arise regarding your doctors visits, labor and delivery, and hospital stay. What rights do you have as the biological mom? Read on to find out important information you should know before going into labor and delivery.
Choosing your doctor
Many expecting moms wonder, if they create an adoption plan for their baby, if they will be able to choose their own doctor or continue to see their own doctor for prenatal care.
The answer is yes, you have the right to see your own doctor or a doctor of your choosing for prenatal care. It is important to our agency and the adoptive parents we work with that mothers feel comfortable and cared for every step of the adoption process, which includes prenatal care.
Labor and delivery
It is important for expecting moms to know that through labor and delivery, they are in charge. They have every right to call the shots through their labor and delivery as any other woman.
This includes who they want in the delivery room with them, whether or not they want an epidural or other medications and much more.
It is important for moms to be their own advocate during labor and delivery. This is something we coach the moms we work with through, prior to delivery to help them feel best prepared.
Infant care in the hospital
Until you officially and legally release your parental rights, you, as the biological mom, will make any decisions needed regarding infant care. While in the hospital, it will be up to you whether or not your baby stays with your or in the nursery or whether they are breastfed or formula fed.
We encourage birth moms who are interested to enjoy this short window of time they have to make decisions for their baby and bond with them until it is time to pass this responsibility on to adoptive parents.
The role of adoptive parents in the hospital
Many women wonder what the role of their babies adoptive parents will be in the hospital. The answer to this is simple, it’s up to the biological mom. If you want the adoptive parents in the room during delivery that’s an option, if you want them to arrive solely to bring baby home that’s also an option.
At Choosing Hope Adoption Agency near Dayton Ohio we coach expecting moms through finding the right doctor, making a labor and delivery plan, and navigating their relationship with adoptive parents through the whole process. Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and confident in each decision you make every step of the way.